Thursday, June 19, 2014

Plz stop the hurt!!!

Hey guys. This is a more serious post. I just wanted to send out a message.: Its so easy to forget where you came from. Its easy to bully to make you feel strong... and more easy to find joy in pain. As long as it doesn't hurt you right? Wrong. Bullying is a very common thing. But the fact is, not many people stand up. I know its hard to stand up for what you believe in. But you need to know this... One action can help a life. It just breaks my heart. Scamming, physical bullying, cyber bullying, verbally bullying, and laughter at pain. Plz guys. Stop. <3 ~ Jailyn

Hi!!!!! plus Updates!!!!!!!!

Hey my little ponies and followers!!!!!
       Sup my little ponies!!!!!!! I have been gone so long :( I really hope u didn't miss me!!! I have been gone so long!!!! I made some pretty original videos! I have been way to busy to blog. I  REALLY am so sorry for my absentness..... but I uploaded lots on my youtube channel! here is one of my newest videos. but officially I am back! See you all soon!!!! ~ Jailyn

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Warriors of Sunclan playlist

Episode 1 :

Episode 2 :

Important for new jammers!

Hi guys it's Jailyn! Sorry I was gone so long! I was SOOO busy. But I found a horrible news! Watch...

Ok so this is bad. Recycled beards new account might look like these now!
The story of recycled beard..
 Once upon a time there was a peace oh harmony in animal jam. Then he came. He sends you viruses in jamaa grams! He might hack ur computer! How to know it is from him. 1. The jamaa gram is from a leaping quite moon or awesomesunnybrave wolf. 2. It has a gift even if it a non member! 3. It won't close. 4. Don't open the gift it is a virus.
Be safe! -Jailyn

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Old lps are officially BACK whooooo hooooo

The old lps which we have been fighting for are back! Locally they are in stores for 3.00 to 5.00. I have manged to get the shorthair,and all the mommy and babies! Bye!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Moonlight pack part 8

Leaf star was heartbroken. There was a menece in buck break wood and she had to find out what. Nobody makes wise cats turn into babbling fools. The poor leader started to cry. She did not know what was going in at camp. Sand pup snuck out and headed to two leg place where patch heart had gone. She found a two leg nest. She had found the vet! The vet said your the second one today! And she injected a red serum into sandpup. Sandpup yelped And headed home. She on the way began to feel strange. Her memory was fading in and out. She could not remember who she was or why she was out here! She explored and found the moonlight pack. She explored the camp with curiosity until.... SANDPUP -Jailyn end of part 8

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Moonlight pack part 7

She looked on to him scared from fur to bone. Sunleaf looked him over and said simply but sadly
Said "I can not help him he is in the hand of Sunclan now." Leaf star quickly said goodbye and headed for sunstone. She then asked Tigerstar some questions. The past leader just shook her head sadly and said.... " there is a menace in the forest turning warriors into babbling fools. I wish I could stop them." She sighed. " He will live, but he will always be at the same type of iq as any new born never opens eyes pup." Leafstar walked out of sunstone will lots on her mind.
- Jailyn